Oliver Spencer FW18: Modestly and understatedly tell his own story

Oliver Spencer FW18: Modestly and understatedly tell his own story

Is love a drug? Or maybe just as obsessive as things such as memory and fashion. Oliver is a designer who continually delivers relaxation to “Style”: modestly and understatedly tell his own story. 

In London, we see all kinds of people, pretty young boys in uniforms, male fashion bloggers in dresses, and attractive women in men’s suits and jackets: Oliver received some inspiration by his customers. It is not rare to see girls wearing menswear on the street of central London nowadays, but it would make a girl look more dandy in that ivory suit with a sailor hat: A fashion inspiration from Bryan Ferry. From the sailor hat to the boxy blazer jackets to the lazy-hanging scarf, the references of his fashion permeate throughout the collection. And let’s talk about Daisy Lowe’s oversized leather jacket. 70’s is a good time for the designer, and that’s the reason of bringing back the Roxy Music - a period when music was stimulating, and people were authentically carrying a style, without the reference from social media, but purely dress for leisure, and inspired by the London life.

Text: Gareth Chow